Complements of Furnish
7035F - Console Ingrid Marianne 68x38x27 cm.
7035 - Console Lucy - 68x38x27 cm.
7066 - Column "The Earth" - 39x102 cm.
7053 - Ercole's Column - 29x78 cm.
5015 - Ercole's Column - biscuit - 29x78 cm.
7055 - Antonino Column - 35x100 cm.
M1.21 - Table - Ø 160 cm.
M1.22 - Chair
7056 - Leonardo's Table - 88x71 cm.
7054A - Maria Fioretta Frame -
145x100 cm.
7054B - Maria Fioretta Frame -
145x100 cm.
5018 - Eagles Frame - biscuit - 145x110 cm.
7079 - Umbrella Stand - 36x90 cm.
7001 - Game table - 70x78 cm.
7002 - Pedine - 4x1,5 cm.
755 - Round little table - 70x44 cm.
756 - Square little table - 70x44 cm.
735 - Table - 70x76 cm.
759 - Table - 70x70 cm.
619 - Table - 71x79 cm.
719- Square table - 70x80 cm.
191 - Small table - 36x60 cm.
621 - Round table with cherubs - 70x71 cm.
622 - Round tabel with goddess - 70x76 cm. -
183 - Small console - 13x14 cm.
188 - Big console - 17x21 cm.
754 - Round wedgwood flowers frame -
31x35 cm.
753 - Round wedgwood figure frame -
31x35 cm. -
312 - Flowers frame - 57x100 cm.
372 - Meissen frame - 60x131 cm.
38 - Frame with flowers - 33x58 cm.
43 - Frame with flowers - 23x49 cm.
65 - Frame - 20x55 cm.
65 - Frame - 20x55 cm.
688 - Little round frame - different
decorations - 14x18 cm. -
687 - Little rectangular frame - different
decorations - 11x30 cm. -
694 - Guardian angels - 22x16 cm.
699 - Left/Right Guardian angels - 15x25 cm.
383 - Console with flowers - 25x19 cm.
384 - Console with cherubs - 25x19 cm. -
58 - Set of seat holders - 6x5 cm.
7003 - Crystal rock - different sizes.
7004 - Christmas balls - 7,5x8 cm.
605 - Column - Decoration A,B,C -
39x102 cm.
494 - Chess - 82x78
485/4 - Small stick rack - 29x25 cm.
484A - Stick - 94 cm. -
484 484A - Stick - 94 cm.
484 S - Stick set without rack - 94 cm.
485 - Stick rack - 62x37 cm. -
94 - Frame - 10x14 cm.
72 - Frame - 20x14 cm.
99A - Rose on rock - 12x16 cm.
82 - Mixed flowers - 12x12 cm.
99 - Orchid on rock - 12x16cm.
79 - Flowers - 18x16 cm.
44 - Flowers group - 23x27 cm.
346 - Centerpiece - 20x41 cm.
45 - Flowers group - 20x30 cm. -
476 - Egg box - 17x29 cm.
69 - Flowers basket - 30x28 cm.
92 - Flowers basket - 44x25 cm.
315 - Doves - 39x27 cm.
605 - Columm Ref. D - 39x102 cm.
7023 - Expo 2015 - 21x32 cm.
7020 - Octagonal Picture medium - diam.
62x62 cm.
5005 - Violet frame - Biscuit - diam. 42 cm.
7032A - Violet frame - Ref. A - diam. 42 cm.
7032B - Violet frame - Ref. B - diam. 42 cm.
5004 - Romantic frame - Biscuit - 21x24 cm.
7028 - Romantic frame - Ref. A/B -
21x24 cm. -
7030 - "Fior di pesco" column - Finiture pink
wedgwood - 39x102 cm. -
528 - Column - Biscuit - 39x102 cm.
5014 - Stand for Clocks "I Continenti" -
biscuit - 39x102 cm. -
7052 - Stand for Clocks "I Continenti" -
39x102 cm.